Create Custom Reports with BrightWork Reporter

Get more insights into your projects and portfolios.

Create Custom Reports with BrightWork Reporter

Get more insights into your projects and portfolios.

What is BrightWork Reporter?

BrightWork Reporter is a highly configurable web part used to report on multiple sites, subsites, and lists in a single report.

Multiple configuration options allow end-users to create personal reportsfilter and sort the report data, and create cross-list and cross-site report filters.

BrightWork Reporter is unique to our software and solves common challenges associated with project and portfolio reporting on SharePoint.

BrightWork Reporter Features

Report on multiple sites in a hierarchy
In One Place

Create custom Portfolio Reports across
Multiple Site Collections

Share reports on a schedule or an ad-hoc basis with
Automated Emails

Chart, Gantt, List Item, and Resource Usage Reports.

Build configured shared reports for your 
Teams and Stakeholders

Filter, Sort, Group, Add Totals, and Group Columns.

BrightWork Reporter Configuration Options

Filter Data

Filtering reduces project information to key items you need to see, for example, ‘current projects by project manager’.

The filter is very similar to a SharePoint list view filter.

Sort Data

Sorting data alphabetically, numerically, or chronologically is available in the List Item and Resource Reports.


Various options are available to group information together in a logical way for a project.

Display the resulting information as ‘Collapsed’ or ‘Expanded’.

Add Totals

BrightWork Reporter performs the same totaling functions as a standard SharePoint view.

The display options depend on the column, for example, use ‘Minimum’ for numbers and currency.


Re-arrange the order of columns in a report.

Test-drive BrightWork Reporter. Start your free 30-day trial today