Inter-Project Dependencies on SharePoint

Ciara McCarthy
By | Updated May 5, 2017 | 3 min read
Inter-Project Dependencies

We often get asked if we can handle inter-project dependencies in our templates. There is one template that can do a form of inter-project dependencies, and that is the Project and Work Tracker template. I’ve outlined the steps below to help describe the process to allow for inter-project dependencies.


Enable Task Scheduling

In the Projects and Work Tracker Task List, enable the Task Scheduling Feature

Ensure that you tick the option to “Check to upgrade this task list to support scheduling” when enabling the feature.

Enable Scheduling on List


The list will update to include some new columns like Duration, Start Date, Finish Date and Predecessors to be enabled and visible in the list.


Updated Task List


Note: You may want to update all task list views to include the “Project”, “Duration”, and “Predecessor” columns.


Add Duration

The BrightWork schedule requires the “Duration” column to be populated to calculate the task finish dates. The “Duration” column is based on days and will accept 0.5 and 0.25 values.


Add Start Dates

The schedule is also required to have tasks with a “Start Date” assigned.


Add any Predecessors

The “Predecessor” column can be used to drive any inter-project dependencies. Any tasks that need to be completed before the next task can start in any project tracked on the site can be selected. More than one task can be selected as a predecessor.

Add Duration and Predecessors


Calculate the Task Schedule

To calculate your schedule:

  1. Navigate to your task list.
  2. Click the Tasks Ribbon tab and click Calculate Schedule.Calculate Schedule
  3. Click OK.

Note: If your task list contains circular references, for example, if Task 2 follows Task 1, which in turn follows Task 2, you will be notified that there is a circular reference or complexity problem.


View Inter-Project Dependencies

A Gantt-based list view in the Task Lists may be the best way to view the Inter-Project Dependencies. The arrows indicate the predecessors.

Inter-Project Dependencies


These are the first steps to work inter-project dependencies using BrightWork and the Simple Scheduler feature. I’d love to hear how you can further develop this!




Ciara McCarthy
Ciara McCarthy

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