Run a SharePoint 2013 Visual Upgrade in Powershell

…SharePoint UI for the visual upgrade has failed, yet the PowerShell upgrade command worked perfectly.   PowerShell Upgrade Steps: Open PowerShell Restore the content database to SharePoint 2013 SQL by…

Change a SharePoint User Display Name with PowerShell

…you change the SharePoint user display name with PowerShell. You have to be either on the SharePoint server or use the PSSession module (PSRemote) in PowerShell. Run PowerShell as administrator…

Schedule Backups of SharePoint Sites and Add Email Notification

SharePoint administrators often need to run scheduled PowerShell against SharePoint. One particular need for this is when backing up site collections.   1. Create a PowerShell script Tip: when working…

Product Templates and Utilities

…to use the Template Design Sync: Multiple Project Sites PowerShell contributed by BrightWork. Contact BrightWork Support for instructions on how to use the Template Design Sync: Unbind PowerShell contributed by…

How to Delete a User from Your SharePoint Site Collection

…license! Delete User with PowerShell Do you want to use PowerShell instead? You can adjust the script below, entering your site collection name and the user account names. Add-PSSnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell

Getting The Best ROI From SharePoint For Your Projects – Part 1

…your Application Server/Central Administration Server. This MSI creates the BrightWork folder within Program Files. This contains the BrightWork Solution. Run the provided PowerShell commands on the server. The first command…

User with Full Control Cannot Create Subsites or Projects in SharePoint

…of any user or group listings. Administrators may have stripped these hidden lists using a PowerShell command during a process to clean up permissions on the site collection in staging,…

Which version of SharePoint 2016 is right for you?

…Windows PowerShell Support Yes Yes Content features SharePoint Server 2016 Standard CAL SharePoint Server 2016 Enterprise CAL Accessibility Standards Support Yes Yes Asset Library Enhancements/Video Support Yes Yes Auditing Yes…