Product Reviews and Industry Recognition

Case Study: Allianz Eases Project Creation and Control With Collaborative PPM Tools
An IT transformation program at Allianz sought simpler creation and review of project information to let stakeholders resolve project issues more quickly, with more timely and detailed data. Allianz implemented BrightWork, leveraging its use of Microsoft Project and SharePoint.
Joel Oleson
#1 Online SharePoint Influencer
“I have to say this is a great set of templates that is worth considering for anyone interested in going from Excel and Outlook to using a process that has been proven and that’s built on top of already existing investments in SharePoint.”
The Ultimate Reference for Project Managers
“With its ‘Start and Evolve’ philosophy, users are able to immediately implement effective project management wherever their starting point is. It has pre-defined tasks, documents, templates and other artifacts for different kinds of projects, enabling them to make the first and most important step: starting a consistent best practices PM strategy.”
Top 5 Reasons to Try BrightWork for Project and Portfolio Management
“Flexibility is very important to me when I evaluate a project management solution. What I really like about BrightWork is that their “Start, Evolve” approach to project management makes it easy for organizations to get started quickly with project management, delivering immediate visibility and control, with the flexibility to mature their project management practices as the needs of a project or team change.”

SharePoint Reviews
The World’s Largest SharePoint Product and Resource Directory
“BrightWork has solidified itself as a strong player in the project management space on SharePoint. It’s packed with a bevy of features you’d expect to see in a PM tool that provide for many use cases when looking to simplify the complexities of managing projects on SharePoint.”
Vlad Catrinescu, SharePoint MVP
“As a SharePoint Consultant, I have seen and worked with many Project Management solutions built on SharePoint. After creating and playing with quite a few projects in BrightWork, I have to say that I was extremely surprised with the number of features included out of the box and how easy it was to work with them.”

The Smart Way to Find Business Software
“The BrightWork product features make our project and portfolio management easier and more successful. As manager of our PMO I am able to quickly decide which projects get approved and which ones get rejected. Using their OTB project management templates we can start with the right amount of project management for the project and team in question.”
Project Management Resources and Tools
“Supporting project delivery across project, program, PMO and portfolio management processes, BrightWork is a SharePoint-based collaboration tool that can be adapted to each organization’s capability and maturity level without overwhelming users with unnecessary functionality.”

Buyers Guide Based on Client Reviews
“Brightwork is a software that allows you to easily manage projects, products, people, services, and finance through a complete set of features that simplify project management best practices with a low total cost of ownership.”
Project management with SharePoint. Simplified.
Use BrightWork to deliver more successful projects by bringing all your projects and reporting in one collaborative SharePoint environment.