About the Order Number

The Order number on a Project Schedule list item determines its location in the hierarchy.


This topic assumes that Automatically calculate Order Number for all items is selected on the Project Schedule Settings page. If this is not selected you will have to manually mange the Order numbers.

After a standard Recalculate Project Schedule is run, the Order numbers are incremented (in 10s) to take account of any changes (e.g. new or deleted items). The Project Schedule Recalculate assigns Order numbers to items based on the Order number of their parent and the order number an item has prior to the recalculation being performed.

This means that if you want a new item to be automatically added as the last item in a 'family' (i.e. a group of tasks with a common parent) you simply give it a very large Order number (e.g. 10,000) and let the recalculate work out what the actual order number should be. Equally, if you want the new item to be automatically added as the first item in a 'family' (i.e. a group of tasks with a common parent) you simply give it a low Order number (e.g. 1). Alternatively, you can set the default Order number to automatically be a high or low number.

Top-level summary tasks are seen as being members of the same family (their common parent is the Project Schedule Summary item). To position a new top-level summary task, specify an order number greater than the top-level summary task you want it to come after and lower than the top-level summary task you want it to come before.

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