Project Phases & Milestones

The BrightWork Project Phases and Project Milestones lists support the MSF Phase and Milestone dichotomy; however these lists can also be used by non MSF projects to split it up into phases and milestones.

Phases can be viewed as periods of time with an emphasis on certain activities aimed at producing the relevant deliverables for that phase. MSF phases include Envisioning, Planning, Developing, Stabilizing and Deploying.

Milestones can be viewed as points in the project when important deliverables have been completed and can be reviewed. There are 2 types of milestone:

As such, milestone items are generally seen as 'belonging' to a particular phase.


The Project Phases and Milestones lists both include the Lookup View web part, which displays all the list items (of a single list type) that contain a lookup to the list item the web part is installed on. The items are displayed in a view like footer at the bottom of a display list item. This web part is installed by default on the Phases, Milestones and Deliverables lists (there is an instance of the web part for each list that looks up, for example the Phases lists has 3 instances, one each for the Milestones, Deliverables and Tasks lists).

Project Phases Alert Options

Project Milestones Alert Options

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